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The Financial Side of Farewells: Saving Grace in Funeral Planning

The Financial Side of Farewells: Saving Grace in Funeral Planning

Tomorrow is Halloween, and we're about to dive into a topic that might seem eerie at first, but is incredibly important. While most people associate Halloween with costumes and candy, we're taking a different approach today, shedding light on a topic that often lurks in the shadows - funeral planning. As we explore this often overlooked aspect of personal finance, we'll reveal how meticulous planning can not only alleviate the emotional burden on your loved ones but also save you and your family from unnecessary financial distress during a time of grief. Today?s guest, Joni Binkley-Ross, is no stranger to having those important end-of-life conversations. In fact, as owner and funeral director of Binkley Ross Funeral Home, she is an expert on the topic. On today?s episode, Joni unravels the intricacies of funeral planning by discussing the various costs involved, strategies for budgeting, and the importance of having a well-structured financial plan in place. So, grab your favorite pumpkin-spiced beverage, find a cozy spot, and prepare to embark on a journey that will shed light on the power of foresight when it comes to your final farewell.

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Elevating Customer Service in 4 Simple steps

Elevating Customer Service in 4 Simple steps

When a customer walks into your business, they either leave feeling great or frustrated. There's no neutral ground. At Farmers State Bank, we've cracked the code on delivering top-notch customer service every single time. Here?s how we do it, and how you can too!

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Strategic Planning for Small Businesses: Big Impact on Success

Strategic Planning for Small Businesses: Big Impact on Success

Strategic planning is crucial for any business aiming to navigate the complexities of its environment and achieve long-term success. Our CEO, Charlie, recently shared valuable insights on how we approach strategic planning at Farmers State Bank. Here's a summary of our conversation, focusing on the key elements and processes that make our strategic planning effective.

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Locked and Loaded: The Power of a CD

Locked and Loaded: The Power of a CD

In today's rapidly changing financial landscape, it's essential to stay informed about various investment options. Certificates of Deposit (CDs) have been generating quite a buzz recently, offering a safe and secure way to grow your savings. To shed light on this often-misunderstood financial tool, we sat down with Kelly Green, a seasoned banking professional with over 20 years of experience, to discuss everything you need to know about CDs.

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Building a Home from the Ground Up | Part 2

Building a Home from the Ground Up | Part 2

Are you thinking about building your dream home? The construction loan process can seem intimidating, but with the right guidance and planning, it's entirely manageable. Here's a detailed look at the process, with insights from Ashley's experience and expert advice from Poli Benedict, a seasoned lender at Farmers State Bank.

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