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Unmasking Homelessness with Arrowleaf

By: Jill Franks & Ashley McVicker

Unmasking Homelessness with Arrowleaf
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In the tranquil yet economically challenged region of Southern Illinois, where the beauty of the Shawnee National Forest contrasts starkly with the struggles faced by many of its residents, Arrowleaf stands as a beacon of hope and transformation. Founded nearly five decades ago, Arrowleaf has grown into one of the most vital service organizations in the area, addressing a wide range of social issues, from mental health and substance abuse to developmental disabilities and homelessness. In a recent episode of the "Isn’t That Rich Podcast," we had the privilege of sitting down with Sherri Crabb, Arrowleaf’s Executive Director, and Allison Schuster, the organization’s Development Officer. Their insights into Arrowleaf’s mission, their upcoming "Unmasking Homelessness Gala," and the broader impact of their work shed light on the urgent needs and inspiring efforts taking place in this often-overlooked corner of Illinois.

The Origins of Arrowleaf: A Commitment to Compassion

Arrowleaf’s roots date back to 1974 when it was founded as the Family Counseling Center, a small organization aimed at filling the void of mental health services in the rural counties of Pope and Hardin. At that time, mental health was an emerging concern, especially in rural areas where services were virtually non-existent. A group of concerned community members recognized the need for support and applied for initial federal funding to create a planning body that would lay the foundation for future services.

This modest beginning was driven by a deep commitment to compassion and community service, values that have remained at the core of Arrowleaf’s mission as it has grown over the years. Initially focused on providing basic mental health services, Arrowleaf has since expanded its scope to include a wide array of programs designed to meet the diverse needs of the Southern Illinois community. From substance abuse treatment and developmental disability support to housing assistance and crisis intervention, Arrowleaf has become a comprehensive service provider that touches nearly every aspect of community well-being.

Sheri Crabb, who has been with Arrowleaf for 16 years, shared that the organization’s growth has been particularly significant over the past decade. “Since 2014, we’ve doubled, even tripled in size,” she explained. “This growth reflects not only the increasing needs of our community but also the success of our efforts to address those needs.” Today, Arrowleaf operates 22 locations across the seven southernmost counties of Illinois, employs over 200 staff members, and provides services to more than 5,000 individuals annually. Their economic impact on the region exceeds $24 million each year, a testament to their crucial role in the community.

Addressing Stigma: Mental Health and the Journey Toward Acceptance

One of the most profound challenges Arrowleaf faces is the lingering stigma surrounding mental health and homelessness, particularly in rural areas. Southern Illinois, like many other parts of the country, has long been steeped in a culture of self-reliance, where the “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” mentality often discourages individuals from seeking help. This cultural norm can be especially damaging when it comes to mental health, as people may feel ashamed or embarrassed to admit they are struggling.

Sheri spoke candidly about the impact of this stigma, noting that while progress has been made, there is still much work to be done. “Everyone faces challenges at some point in their lives,” she said. “Whether it’s the loss of a loved one, unemployment, or dealing with chronic illness, these challenges can quickly escalate into crises that leave individuals feeling isolated and without the resources they need to recover.”

In Southern Illinois, the stigma is compounded by the rural nature of the region, where services are spread thin, and access to care can be limited. However, Sheri emphasized that attitudes are beginning to shift. “People are starting to realize that seeking help is not a sign of weakness but a necessary step towards healing and stability,” she explained. “This change in perspective is crucial because it allows more individuals to access the support they need without fear of judgment.”

Arrowleaf has played a pivotal role in fostering this change by promoting a culture of acceptance and understanding. Through their various programs, they have worked tirelessly to educate the community about the importance of mental health care and to normalize the process of seeking help. This has been particularly important in reaching underserved populations, such as veterans and individuals with disabilities, who are often disproportionately affected by mental health issues.

Homelessness in Southern Illinois: A Growing Crisis

While Arrowleaf’s work in mental health and developmental disabilities is well-known, their efforts to combat homelessness are equally vital, particularly in a region where the issue is often hidden from view. Southern Illinois lacks a dedicated emergency shelter for the unhoused, leaving many individuals and families with few options when they find themselves without a place to stay.

Allison Schuster, Arrowleaf’s Development Officer, highlighted the urgency of the situation. “We’re receiving about three calls a week from individuals and families who are in desperate need of shelter,” she said. “Unfortunately, we don’t currently have the resources to house every person who reaches out to us, and that’s why we’re working so hard to establish an emergency shelter.”

The proposed shelter, which will be located in one of the southernmost counties—Union, Pulaski, or Alexander—is designed to do more than just provide a temporary place to sleep. Arrowleaf’s vision for the shelter is comprehensive, offering 24/7 care that addresses not only the immediate needs of the unhoused but also the underlying issues that contribute to homelessness. Residents will receive meals, medical care, mental health services, substance abuse treatment, and assistance with obtaining essential documents like birth certificates and Social Security cards.

The shelter is expected to accommodate 10 to 12 individuals at a time, with each resident receiving personalized support tailored to their specific circumstances. The goal is to help residents stabilize their lives within a 30-day period, during which they will work closely with Arrowleaf’s team to overcome the barriers that led to their homelessness. This could include securing employment, accessing mental health or substance abuse treatment, or reconnecting with family members who can provide long-term support.

The "Unmasking Homelessness Gala": A Community Call to Action

To fund this ambitious project, Arrowleaf is hosting its inaugural "Unmasking Homelessness Gala" on August 24th at the Marion Pavilion. This masquerade-themed event is not just a fundraiser—it’s a rallying cry for the entire community to come together in support of those who need it most. The Gala will feature live entertainment, a silent auction, and a live auction with unique items, including a Taylor Swift autographed guitar, which is sure to attract significant attention.

The Gala represents the first major step towards raising the $1.5 million needed to build the emergency shelter. Allison expressed optimism about reaching this goal, especially given the strong support from the community. “We’re aiming to raise $100,000 through this event,” she said. “While it’s a lofty goal for our first Gala, we believe it’s achievable, especially with the enthusiasm we’ve seen from local businesses and community members.”

In addition to attending the Gala, there are several ways for individuals and businesses to contribute to Arrowleaf’s mission. The organization is offering opportunities to purchase engraved bricks that will line the path to the shelter, allowing donors to leave a lasting legacy. There are also sponsorship opportunities, including the chance to have your name or business prominently displayed on the shelter itself.

Building a Sustainable Future for Southern Illinois

Arrowleaf’s vision extends far beyond the construction of the emergency shelter. Their goal is to create a sustainable future for Southern Illinois by addressing the systemic issues that contribute to homelessness and other social challenges. This includes providing job training and employment opportunities through initiatives like the Cliff Cafe, a social enterprise that employs individuals with developmental disabilities and teaches them valuable skills in the hospitality industry.

Sheri explained that the cafe is more than just a place to eat—it’s a training ground for individuals who might otherwise struggle to find employment. “We know that tourism and hospitality are going to be major growth industries in Southern Illinois over the next decade,” she said. “By providing training in these fields, we’re preparing our clients to take advantage of those opportunities and become self-sufficient.”

The Cliff Cafe is just one example of how Arrowleaf is working to build a stronger, more resilient community. The organization also operates 247 crisis services, school-based programs, and client-choice food pantries, all of which contribute to their broader mission of helping individuals achieve their full potential. Last year alone, Arrowleaf provided services to over 5,000 people across the Southern Seven Counties, making a profound impact on the lives of those they serve.

The Power of Community: How You Can Help

The work that Arrowleaf is doing is transformative, but they cannot do it alone. They rely on the support of the community—whether through financial contributions, volunteer efforts, or simply spreading the word about their mission. Here are a few ways you can get involved:

  • Attend the Gala: Join the community on August 24th for an evening of entertainment, inspiration, and philanthropy. Your participation will help raise critical funds for the construction of the emergency shelter.
  • Make a Donation: Even if you cannot attend the Gala, you can make a direct donation to Arrowleaf through their website. Every dollar brings them closer to their goal of providing safe, stable housing for the unhoused in Southern Illinois.
  • Purchase a Brick: Leave a lasting legacy by purchasing an engraved brick that will be part of the shelter’s construction. It’s a meaningful way to contribute to the project and show your support for Arrowleaf’s mission.
  • Volunteer: Arrowleaf is always in need of volunteers to help with their various programs and initiatives. Whether you have a few hours a week or can commit to a
  • Spread the Word: Help raise awareness about the critical issues of homelessness, mental health, and poverty in Southern Illinois. Share Arrowleaf’s mission with your friends, family, and social networks to build a stronger, more informed community.

Arrowleaf’s work is a powerful reminder of what can be achieved when a community comes together with compassion, dedication, and a shared vision for a better future. As they prepare for the "Unmasking Homelessness Gala" and the construction of the much-needed emergency shelter, there is an opportunity for everyone in Southern Illinois to play a role in this transformative effort. Whether through financial support, volunteerism, or simply spreading the message, each action contributes to building a community where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

In a region where natural beauty and economic hardship exist side by side, Arrowleaf is not just changing lives—they are changing the narrative of what’s possible in Southern Illinois. Their work is a testament to the power of community and the enduring impact of kindness, compassion, and unwavering support for those in need. Together, we can unmask homelessness, one step at a time, and create a brighter, more hopeful future for all.