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Legacy Sessions | Succession Planning

By: Jill Franks, Ashley McVicker, & Jared Gravatt

Legacy Sessions | Succession Planning
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Adam Lawler, a prominent attorney and entrepreneur from Marion, Illinois, has dedicated nearly two decades to serving his community through his legal expertise. After earning his law degree from St. Louis University School of Law in 2004, Adam returned to his hometown to begin his career. He quickly established himself as a leading figure in the legal industry, founding the Lawler Brown Law Firm, where he currently serves as managing partner. Adam specializes in banking, real estate, and business law, making him a trusted advisor to countless business owners in Southern Illinois. His deep understanding of business succession planning offers invaluable guidance for those looking to secure their legacies.

Understanding Business Succession Planning: What It Is and Why It Matters

At its core, business succession planning is the process of preparing for the seamless transition of a business from one owner or generation to the next. This planning involves a strategic approach to ensuring that the next generation or key team members are ready to take over the leadership, ownership, and operational responsibilities of the business. Adam Lawler emphasizes that this process is not just about paperwork—though it does involve the creation of several important documents—but about safeguarding the long-term viability and success of the business.

Why Business Succession Planning Is Essential

For many business owners, their company is more than just a source of income; it’s a significant part of their identity and legacy. Adam points out that it’s unlikely for business owners who have invested so much of their time, energy, and resources into building their business to want it to end with them. Instead, most owners dream of their businesses continuing to thrive, providing for their families, and serving their communities long after they’ve stepped down.

However, the reality of business longevity is stark. Statistics show that only about 50% of U.S. businesses with employees survive more than five years. The survival rate drops to about 35% at ten years, and less than 25% make it to fifteen years or more. These numbers highlight the critical importance of having a well-thought-out succession plan in place.

A robust business succession plan offers several key benefits:

  • Stability and Continuity: It ensures the stability of the company’s value by facilitating an orderly transition of ownership and management, minimizing disruption to the business’s operations.
  • Competitive Advantage: A clear succession plan helps avoid jeopardizing the company’s competitive edge in the marketplace. Without a plan, the sudden loss of a leader can create uncertainty and instability.
  • Future Growth: A well-designed plan provides a solid foundation for future growth by establishing a framework for the company’s continued success.
  • Minimized Tax Impact: Proper planning can help reduce the impact of estate taxes and other financial burdens that may arise during the transition, potentially saving the business from being sold off at a fraction of its value.
  • Peace of Mind: Perhaps most importantly, a succession plan offers peace of mind to the business owner, knowing that their legacy will continue, and their employees and family will be taken care of.

When to Start Business Succession Planning: The Time is Now

Adam strongly advises that the best time to start thinking about business succession planning is right now. Even for young entrepreneurs who are just beginning their journey, it’s never too early to consider the future. As soon as a business starts to show potential for growth and begins generating real value, it’s time to start planning for who will take over in the event of an unexpected life event.

Crafting a business succession plan is a process that requires careful thought, discussion, and decision-making. It’s not something that can be done in a day, or even a week. Instead, it’s an ongoing process that should be revisited regularly as circumstances change and the business evolves.

Who Should Be Involved in Business Succession Planning: Building the Right Team

Initially, discussions about succession planning may involve just the business owner and their attorney. However, as the plan develops, it’s essential to bring other key individuals into the conversation. These may include:

  • Co-Owners: If the business has multiple owners, it’s crucial that they all participate in the planning process to ensure that everyone is on the same page.
  • Key Managers: Identifying potential successors within the company’s management team is a critical step. These individuals will play a pivotal role in the company’s future, so their input is invaluable.
  • Accountants: Adam emphasizes the importance of involving accountants early in the process. They are essential for understanding the financial implications of the plan and ensuring its feasibility.
  • Family Members: If the business is family-owned, it’s important to include family members in the discussion, especially those who may have a future role in the company.

How Business Succession Planning Comes Together: A Practical Guide

The process of creating a business succession plan involves several steps, each of which plays a crucial role in ensuring the plan’s success.

1. Establishing the Company’s Mission, Values, and Vision

The first step in creating a succession plan is to clearly define the company’s mission, values, and vision. This involves reflecting on the company’s history and identifying the core principles that have guided its success. These values will serve as the foundation for the succession plan, ensuring that the company’s legacy is preserved.

2. Identifying and Grooming Talent

A key component of succession planning is identifying and grooming the next generation of leaders. This may include family members, key employees, or even external hires who have the potential to take the company forward. It’s essential to have clear policies in place for how talent will be identified, trained, and integrated into the company’s leadership structure.

3. Creating and Reviewing Key Documents

A business succession plan involves several important documents, each serving a specific purpose:

  • Buy-Sell Agreement: This document outlines how ownership of the business will be transferred in the event of death, disability, or other circumstances. It ensures that there is a clear plan for how the business will be valued and how the departing owner’s interest will be acquired. Adam highlights the importance of properly crafted buy-sell agreements, which can prevent disputes and ensure a smooth transition.
  • Estate Planning Documents: The business owner’s personal estate plan should align with the business succession plan to avoid any ambiguity or conflict. This alignment helps prevent litigation and ensures that the business and estate plans work together seamlessly.
  • Company Policies: Establishing clear policies for family members’ involvement in the business, including compensation, roles, and responsibilities, is critical. These policies help manage expectations and prevent conflicts, ensuring that decisions are made based on merit rather than family ties.

4. Assessing the Financial Picture

An in-depth analysis of the business’s financial health is essential for succession planning. This includes understanding the company’s assets, liabilities, and cash flow, as well as planning for any potential tax implications. Accountants play a vital role in this process, helping to ensure that the financial aspects of the plan are sound.

Taking the First Step Towards Securing Your Legacy

Business succession planning is a complex and ongoing process, but it’s one that is essential for ensuring the long-term success and viability of your business. As Adam Lawler advises, the most important step is to start the conversation now. Begin by outlining your business’s needs and goals, and then work with your trusted advisors to create a plan that will secure your legacy.