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State of the City of Marion Address with Mayor Mike Absher

By: Jill Franks, Ashley McVicker, and Jared Gravatt

State of the City of Marion Address with Mayor Mike Absher
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As we approach the end of another year, it's essential to reflect on the progress and accomplishments within our community. Mayor Mike Absher, the current mayor of Marion, has been a driving force behind many of the city's recent developments. His journey to becoming mayor and the significant changes he has implemented provide valuable insights into the city's direction and future.

The Journey to Mayorship

Mayor Absher's journey to becoming the mayor of Marion began with his election to the school board in 2011. After serving as the president of the school board for six years, he realized his passion for community service extended beyond education. The opportunity arose when his predecessor, Mayor Butler, stepped down due to health reasons. After much contemplation, Mayor Absher decided to run for mayor, ultimately being elected in April 2019.

Reflecting on this journey, Mayor Absher expressed his gratitude for the experience and the honor of serving his community. "It was a significant transition from being a businessperson to taking on the responsibilities of the mayor's office, but the support and enthusiasm from the community made it a fulfilling endeavor," he said.

Key Developments in 2023

Star Bonds Initiative

One of the most exciting projects Mayor Absher has spearheaded is the Star Bonds initiative. This program, which stands for Sales Tax and Revenue Bonds, allows municipalities to use future sales tax revenue to finance significant development projects. After three years of diligent work, Marion's Star Bonds project was approved, paving the way for a transformative retail and entertainment district.

The Star Bonds project is set to include three main phases:

  1. Rebuilding the Mall: This phase focuses on revitalizing the existing mall, transforming it into a modern retail destination.
  2. Developing a Multi-use Entertainment Facility: Often compared to Topgolf, this facility will include pickleball courts and other recreational amenities, providing diverse entertainment options for residents and visitors.
  3. Creating Oasis South: This new retail area west of Sam's Club will introduce additional shopping and dining options, enhancing the overall economic landscape of Marion.

"The approval of the Star Bonds project marks a significant milestone for Marion," Mayor Absher explained. "It’s a project that will not only stimulate economic growth but also create numerous job opportunities for our residents."

Transportation Advancements

Transportation has been another focus for Mayor Absher. The introduction of Contour Airlines has provided a much-needed connection between Marion and Chicago, significantly benefiting local businesses and residents. The 30-seat regional jets offer a comfortable and quick travel option, making it easier for people to commute for work or leisure.

"With a flight time of just under an hour, Contour Airlines has made travel more convenient and accessible," Mayor Absher noted. "This connection is vital for our local economy, attracting business travelers and boosting tourism."

Additionally, the Wildcat Bus route, in partnership with Rides Mass Transit, has improved mobility within the city, providing affordable and reliable transportation options for residents. This fixed-route service, operating from 6 AM to 6 PM, connects key locations within Marion, including the library, community centers, and major employers.

"The Wildcat Bus route has been a game-changer for many residents, offering an economical and efficient means of transportation," Mayor Absher said. "With over 33,000 rides since its inception, it’s clear that this service is meeting a critical need in our community."

Downtown Revitalization

The revitalization of Marion's downtown area has been a cornerstone of Mayor Absher's vision. By enhancing the square with new lighting, sidewalks, and public art, the city has created a more inviting and vibrant atmosphere. Events like Third Thursdays have brought the community together, showcasing the charm and potential of Marion's historic center.

"We've worked hard to make downtown Marion a destination," Mayor Absher stated. "From the beautifully lit alleys to the bustling events, we're creating a space where people want to gather, shop, and enjoy their time."

Mayor Absher also emphasized the importance of viewing the city through "visitor glasses." This perspective has guided many of the improvements, ensuring that Marion is attractive not only to residents but also to potential newcomers and visitors.

Housing and Employment

As new businesses continue to establish themselves in Marion, the need for additional housing has become apparent. Mayor Absher acknowledges the importance of providing a mix of housing options to accommodate the diverse needs of residents. From single-family homes to apartments, expanding the housing stock is crucial to supporting the city's growth.

"We are experiencing a shortage in housing, and it's vital that we address this to support our growing workforce," Mayor Absher explained. "We need to provide options that cater to everyone, from young professionals to families and seniors."

Employment opportunities have also been on the rise, with significant projects like Saleen River Farms and the Oasis development promising to bring hundreds of jobs to the area. Saleen River Farms, for instance, is expected to create around 400 full-time jobs, contributing to the local economy and providing stable employment for residents.

"These new businesses are a testament to Marion's potential as a hub for economic activity in Southern Illinois," Mayor Absher remarked. "We are committed to supporting these developments and ensuring that our residents have access to quality jobs."

Looking Ahead to 2024

As we move into 2024, several projects are on the horizon. The completion of the downtown revitalization, including the addition of brick pavers and enhanced lighting, will further cement Marion's reputation as a thriving community. The extension of the bike trail to the Crisp complex and potentially beyond will provide residents with more recreational opportunities and promote a healthier lifestyle.

"Next year will be another transformative period for Marion," Mayor Absher predicted. "From infrastructure improvements to new recreational facilities, we are focused on making our city a better place to live, work, and play."

Community Engagement and Future Plans

One of the hallmarks of Mayor Absher's administration has been a focus on community engagement. Initiatives like the residential TIF district have encouraged residents to invest in their properties, creating a cycle of improvement and pride within neighborhoods. This program has already seen significant success, with $250,000 in grants leading to $500,000 worth of home improvements in just a few months.

"Our goal is to create a virtuous cycle of investment and improvement," Mayor Absher explained. "When residents see their neighbors improving their homes, it inspires them to do the same, enhancing the entire community."

Looking ahead, Mayor Absher is excited about the continued growth and development of Marion. Plans for new residential areas, additional business developments, and further improvements to public spaces are all part of his vision for the future.

"We're just getting started," he said. "There are so many opportunities ahead for Marion, and I'm thrilled to be a part of this journey."

In Summary

Marion's transformation under Mayor Mike Absher's leadership is a testament to his dedication and vision for the city. The progress made in 2023 sets a strong foundation for continued growth and development in the coming years. As we look forward to 2024, the community can anticipate even more exciting changes and opportunities that will enhance the quality of life for all residents.

For those interested in learning more about the city's initiatives or connecting with Mayor Absher, you can visit the new city hall or reach out via email or phone. Marion's future looks bright, and with continued community support and engagement, there is no limit to what can be achieved.

"Together, we are building a better Marion," Mayor Absher concluded. "I invite everyone to join us in this exciting journey and contribute to the future of our wonderful city."