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The Financial Side of Farewells: Saving Grace in Funeral Planning

By: Jill Franks + Ashley McVicker + Jared Gravatt

The Financial Side of Farewells: Saving Grace in Funeral Planning
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When it comes to end-of-life planning, most of us would rather not think about it. But guess what? It's one of the most important things you can do for your loved ones. Let's dive into the nitty-gritty of funeral planning with a touch of wit and wisdom.

Getting Started

Think about your funeral. Okay, done? Now, let's make it less awkward. Funerals are not just about saying goodbye; they are about financial planning, too. Joni Binkley-Ross, the owner and funeral director of Binkley-Ross Funeral Home, emphasizes the importance of having these conversations early. "Don't be shy," she says. "Start those conversations sooner than later."

Power of Attorney: What You Need to Know

Did you know that your power of attorney loses its magic after you pass away? That’s right! Joni points out, "Unless there's a clause on that power of attorney document that states, 'This person has the right to my disposition,' the legal next of kin makes those decisions." So, it's crucial to have the right legal documents in place.

Prearrangements: The Smart Move

Prearrangements are like the VIP tickets to your own farewell party. Joni shares, "Prearranging your funeral can save your family from financial stress and decision-making during an emotional time." You can fund it ahead of time or simply make the plans and leave instructions for your family on how to cover the costs.

The Cost of Dying

Surprise, surprise! Dying can be expensive. From caskets to flowers, the bills add up. But don't panic. Joni assures us, "It doesn't have to cost a fortune to be buried. There are options that are very nice and not outrageously priced." Whether you want the casket with the gold trim or something more budget-friendly, there are choices to fit every wallet.

Financial Assistance and Insurance

What if you haven't saved for a rainy day (or in this case, the final day)? Illinois has some assistance for those who qualify, but it's minimal. Joni also mentions, "Your existing life insurance can cover funeral expenses, but make sure the beneficiary is up to date."

The Role of Funeral Directors

Ever wondered what a funeral director's day looks like? It's a mix of emotional support, logistics, and a dash of legal know-how. Joni describes her role as providing comfort and dignity to families. From making music selections to coordinating with florists, funeral directors handle it all.

Funerals in the Time of COVID

COVID-19 changed the way we view funerals. Limited gatherings and delayed services became the norm. Joni notes, "Many people got into the habit of not attending funerals, which has made them seem less important. But having that moment is crucial for closure and acceptance."

Pet Funerals: Because Fur Babies Matter Too

Yes, you read that right. Joni's funeral home also offers services for pets. Losing a pet can be as devastating as losing a family member, and having a proper farewell can provide much-needed comfort.

Final Thoughts

Planning your own funeral might sound grim, but it's one of the most loving things you can do for your family. Joni encourages, "Make the first step. You don't have to fund it initially; just start making plans and putting things in place."

For more information or to start planning, you can reach Joni Binkley-Ross at 618-993-2171 or visit Binkley-Ross Funeral Home. They are also on Facebook—because even in death, staying connected is key.

Remember, it’s not about the end; it’s about ensuring peace of mind for your loved ones. Let's make planning fun (or at least less daunting)!