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Elevating Customer Service in 4 Simple steps

By: Jill Franks + Ashley McVicker + Jared Gravatt

Elevating Customer Service in 4 Simple steps
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When a customer walks into your business, they either leave feeling great or frustrated. There's no neutral ground. At Farmers State Bank, we've cracked the code on delivering top-notch customer service every single time. Here’s how we do it, and how you can too!

1. Training That Hits the Mark

From day one, every employee at Farmers State Bank goes through a comprehensive customer service training program. This ensures that everyone is on the same page about our standards and expectations. The magic lies in the details: specific, actionable training that leaves no room for interpretation. Good customer service isn’t just a goal; it's a systematized process that we follow diligently.

Pro Tip: Successful businesses don't just hope for good customer service; they define it and train for it. Think of Chick-fil-A’s consistent "my pleasure" or our own "No one serves you better" motto. Consistency builds trust and reliability.

2. Perfect Phone Etiquette

Our phone standards are simple but effective:

  • Answer within two to three rings.
  • Always identify yourself.
  • Use the caller's name.
  • Ask permission before placing the caller on hold.
  • Check back within 20 seconds if placed on hold.

We even hire an external company to conduct phone shops to ensure compliance. This attention to detail helps us build trust and provides a seamless experience for our customers.

Pro Tip: Train your staff to handle phone calls with confidence and warmth. Set clear expectations and follow through consistently.

3. Welcoming In-Person Experiences

Greeting a customer as they enter is crucial. At Farmers State Bank, we acknowledge customers within three feet of the doorway with a friendly "hello." This small gesture makes a big difference in making customers feel valued and welcome.

Pro Tip: Encourage your team to go beyond a simple greeting. Acknowledge customers warmly and promptly, just like a host at a top-notch restaurant.

4. Impeccable Building Appearance

The state of your building speaks volumes. From the moment customers enter the parking lot, they should see clean, well-maintained spaces. Inside, keep areas tidy, organized, and professional-looking. This extends to employee attire and behavior, which should reflect the high standards of the business.

Pro Tip: Regularly assess your business's physical space. A clean, well-organized environment reassures customers of your professionalism and attention to detail.

The Power of Positive Interaction

Great customer service is about building relationships. Whether it’s through a friendly greeting, a helpful phone call, or a clean and welcoming environment, these interactions create positive impressions that last.

At Farmers State Bank, we believe in making every customer feel valued and appreciated. By implementing these four strategies, you can elevate your customer service and ensure your business stands out for all the right reasons.

Final Thought: If you're looking to improve your customer service, consider hiring a secret shopper to get an honest review. Exceptional customer service isn't just a nice-to-have; it's a necessity for success. So, be intentional, be consistent, and watch your business thrive.