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Health Insurance: What To Do When Life Happens

By: Jill Franks and Ashley McVicker

Health Insurance: What To Do When Life Happens
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Life has a way of throwing unexpected challenges our way, and losing health insurance is one of those challenges that can feel especially daunting. Whether it's due to a job loss, aging out of a parent's plan, or other life changes, finding yourself without health insurance can be stressful. But don't panic! We had an enlightening conversation with Angie Cummins from FSB Insurance, who shared valuable insights on navigating these tricky situations. Here’s what you need to know to stay covered when life happens.

Understanding Special Enrollment Periods

Health insurance isn't something you want to be without, even for a short time. Angie explained that if you lose your health insurance due to a job loss or other qualifying events, you don’t have to wait until the next open enrollment period. The Affordable Care Act allows a 60-day special enrollment period for you to get new coverage. This means you have a window to find a new health insurance plan without experiencing a gap in coverage.

Qualifying Life Events

Qualifying events aren’t just limited to job loss. Turning 26 and aging out of your parent’s health insurance, getting married, or even adopting a child are all life changes that can trigger a special enrollment period. These events create opportunities to either join a new group plan through a spouse or start an individual plan tailored to your new circumstances.

The Role of COBRA

COBRA, or the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act, allows you to stay on your employer's health plan for a limited time after losing your job. While COBRA can be more expensive since you'll pay the full premium without employer contributions, it can be a lifesaver, especially if you’re in the middle of treatment or need to maintain access to specific healthcare providers.

Navigating the Marketplace

For those who don't qualify for COBRA or prefer a different option, the health insurance marketplace offers plans that might be more affordable, especially if you qualify for subsidies. Angie highlighted that the marketplace evaluates your household income to determine if you’re eligible for government assistance, which can significantly reduce your out-of-pocket costs.

Pre-Existing Conditions

One of the lingering concerns many people have is whether they’ll be denied coverage or charged exorbitant rates due to pre-existing conditions. Thankfully, the current regulations ensure that pre-existing conditions don’t prevent you from getting the coverage you need. Angie reassured us that, while you might face some hoops to jump through, especially with specific medications, you won’t be left without insurance due to a pre-existing health issue.

Steps to Take If You Lose Coverage

If you find yourself without health insurance, the first step is to determine the exact date your current coverage ends. Then, immediately reach out to an insurance agent like Angie, who can help you navigate your options and ensure you don’t experience a lapse in coverage. It’s crucial to act quickly to avoid any uninsured periods where unexpected medical issues could lead to significant financial burdens.

The Importance of Staying Informed

Health insurance is complex and often confusing, but staying informed and proactive can make a huge difference. Regularly reviewing your health insurance plan, especially during significant life changes, ensures that you’re always prepared. And remember, insurance agents are there to help guide you through these decisions and find the best plan for your needs.

Final Thoughts

Health insurance might not be the most exciting topic, but it’s an essential part of financial and personal well-being. By understanding your options and knowing what steps to take when life throws a curveball, you can ensure you and your family stay protected. As Angie said, "Health insurance is not something I take lightly with people. I like to be there and help as much as I can." So, take a deep breath, stay informed, and don’t hesitate to seek professional advice when needed.