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Adapting to Thrive: Michelle Sirles' Innovative Approach at Rendleman Orchards

By: Jill Franks

Adapting to Thrive: Michelle Sirles' Innovative Approach at Rendleman Orchards


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Today, we are diving deep into the world of agriculture with our guest, Michelle Sirles, 5th generation farmer, Vice President, and owner of Rendleman Orchards. With her unique background in graphic design and marketing, Michelle has transformed her family's 150-year-old farm into a modern-day destination. She's implemented innovative strategies to keep the orchard relevant and thriving in today's challenging agricultural climate. From interactive photo ops and endless flower fields to expanding their retail footprint nationwide, Michelle's creative vision has reshaped the entire farming experience. Not only is she preserving her family's legacy but also ensuring that Rendleman Orchards remains a beloved Midwest destination for generations to come.

The Symbiotic Relationship Between Businesses and Banks in the Agricultural Sector

In the ever-evolving world of agriculture, staying relevant and thriving are not just goals—they are necessities. This is a story about the symbiotic relationship between a farming business and their bank, showcasing how collaboration, innovation, and community engagement can lead to enduring success.

Preserving History and Building Connections

Our journey begins with the story of the Alto Pass branch of Farmers State Bank, a building with a rich history dating back to the early 1900s. The bank's restoration, led by Michelle's husband Wayne's mother and supported by Michelle, unveiled its historical charm by removing drop ceilings to reveal original tin, restoring oak and brass teller windows, and repainting the safe door by hand. This project wasn't just about preserving a building; it was about preserving a community's heritage. The photos now adorning the walls of the branch capture the vibrant history of Alto Pass, creating a space where the past and present coexist harmoniously.

From Design Dreams to Farming Realities

Michelle's transition from a career in graphic design to becoming an integral part of Rendleman Orchards highlights the importance of adaptability and leveraging diverse skills. Initially unfamiliar with farming, Michelle's background in marketing and retail brought a fresh perspective to the family farm. Her innovative ideas, such as diversifying into retail and offering agri-experiences, gradually transformed Rendleman Orchards into a destination for both locals and tourists.

Embracing Change and Overcoming Resistance

Change is never easy, especially in a family business with deep-rooted traditions. Michelle's new ideas initially met resistance from Wayne, who found the changes disruptive to the farm's established operations. However, as the positive impact on the bottom line became evident and feedback from the community poured in, Wayne embraced the new direction. This transformation underscores the importance of patience, perseverance, and the willingness to adapt in the face of change.

Diversification: A Key to Resilience

Rendleman Orchards' journey of diversification is a testament to the power of innovation. Initially, the farm was primarily a wholesale operation, with 90% of its business focused on wholesale and only 10% on retail. Today, the farm boasts a 70% wholesale and 30% retail split, thanks to the introduction of U-pick experiences, agri-experiences, and unique retail offerings. This shift not only created new revenue streams but also enhanced the farm's resilience in a competitive market.

The Power of Community and Collaboration

One of Rendleman Orchards' defining features is its strong sense of community. The farm's collaborations with other local businesses and entrepreneurs have fostered mutual growth and increased visibility. Social media has played a pivotal role in these collaborations, amplifying the reach of both the farm and its partners. By leveraging the power of social media, Rendleman Orchards has become a well-known destination, drawing visitors from near and far.

Education and Sustainability

Education and sustainability are at the heart of Rendleman Orchards' mission. The farm's initiatives, such as the new chicken coop repurposed from an old outhouse and the collaboration with Angie's Farm for honeybee hives, provide educational experiences for visitors while promoting sustainability. These efforts not only enhance the guest experience but also underscore the farm's commitment to preserving natural resources and educating the public about the importance of agriculture.

The Crucial Role of Banks in Farming

An often-overlooked aspect of farming is the financial support necessary to sustain operations. Most farms in the United States operate on working loans, requiring substantial upfront investments before crops are harvested. Rendleman Orchards' century-long relationship with Farmers State Bank exemplifies the importance of a strong partnership between businesses and their banks. This collaboration has provided the financial stability needed for the farm to innovate and grow, highlighting how essential banks are to the agricultural sector.

A Model for Success

Rendleman Orchards' story is a compelling example of how innovation, community engagement, and a strong partnership with a supportive bank can lead to lasting success. By preserving history, embracing change, diversifying offerings, fostering collaborations, and promoting education and sustainability, Rendleman Orchards has not only stayed relevant but has also thrived. This narrative serves as an inspiration for businesses across industries, demonstrating that with the right mindset and support, any challenge can be turned into an opportunity for growth and success.